Equip37 Lifecycle management & consultancy


Point of Buy




Expert service and maintenance have a significant impact on safety, user experience, and equipment lifespan. But what is the best choice for you and at what cost?

Service and maintenance costs for fitness equipment can account for up to 15% of your operational expenses, and service contracts over their duration can even exceed one-fourth of the equipment’s purchase price. These costs directly affect your profit margins and liquidity.

EQUIP37 offers comprehensive support for virtually all brands. Thanks to our extensive experience and relevant network, we can assist you in establishing efficient and cost-effective maintenance, both with and without service contracts.

Would you like more information and discover if we deliver our services in your region? Feel free to get in touch for an informal conversation.

Equip37 Lifecycle management & consultancy


EQUIP37 offers guidance in configuring service and maintenance for your equipment based on historical and anticipated usage. Additionally, we objectively evaluate received service and maintenance proposals.

During the evaluation, we consider factors such as terms, processes, technical specifics, coverage, and pricing. Above all, we take into account how these factors align with your equipment usage, your preferences, and your resources as the client.

Equip37 Lifecycle management & consultancy


EQUIP37 provides clear advice, offers alternative options when necessary, and advises on follow-up actions to secure the best terms for you. Our expertise adapts to your needs and interests, with in-depth knowledge of pricing, alternatives, and technical requirements.

We offer various levels of support, from providing information to conducting extensive analyses of historical usage. We can even provide support, both in the foreground and background, during your negotiations.

Equip37 Lifecycle management & consultancy

Return on investment

EQUIP37’s aim is for future savings to exceed the initial investment with an optimal outcome for its customer and the equipment in question. Depending on the type of support, we operate with a pre-discussed rate or even a ‘no cure, no pay’ arrangement.


Curious about what we can do for you in setting up service and maintenance for your fitness equipment? Want to know if we deliver our services in your region?

Get in touch for an informal conversation. Together, we’ll explore how we can assist you in the best way.


    • Extensive knowledge of service and maintenance in the Fitness & Wellness industry.
    • We understand what aligns with usage within your business environment.
    • Experienced with pricing and market alternatives.
    • Extensive international network.
    • Initial discussions are always without obligation.